Sunday, 6 January 2013

Bonus Parsnips!

Well eventually I made it outside to finish digging the garden! Thanks to a certain grumpy little Madam I still haven't dug the whole patch but almost there. I reckon another 2 hours and I'll be ready for compost!

However, I did come across a few bonus parsnips that I'd completely overlooked - which almost doubles my yield from last year and means we have parsnips to go with tomorrows roast pork (for hubby and the girls - veggie burger for me!).

We also tried our hand at growing cress and sprouting some alfalfa to add a bit of interest to sandwiches next week. We have done cress before, previously in egg shells, but today we tried a different approach - a toilet roll cut up and folded up into little pots (easy to do, something for me to write about in the future!) then decorated with bits of felt (or sucked to death and scribbled on with a wax crayon if you are 18 months old!)

 We then stuffed the middle with damp cotton wool and sprinkled on a few seeds.... not overly evenly but they'll look pretty I'm sure!

The alfalfa were soaked for 8 hours before being rinsed and left on the windowsill. I've not tried this before so interested to see a) how they turn out - I have to wash the seeds twice a day, a big deal for someone who  only waters house plants when they start going crispy! and b) how they taste!

I shall keep you posted!


  1. And so, did this work? Loving your blog, very interesting...... :-)

  2. you'll have to read the next post Mands!
