Okay, so I admit, by the very title of this blog, that I am clueless. But its getting a bit daft at clueless HQ! I have in the region of 15 rows of things on the veg patch now. The broad beans are looking okay, there are 2 carrots, 1 parsnip, a few potatoes (which is strange given I've not planted any!), a row with a few clumps of radishes in and a row of kohl rabi which have been planted out but is gradually disappearing thanks to the slugs. The fruit is fairing better - the rhubarb has calmed down since I stripped it to make jam, the strawberry and beloved pineberry have a few fruits on and the raspberries are looking pretty laden.
Are you seeing a theme here; if I planted it, it does badly, if it was already there it does well! Therefore Mr Clueless and myself are planning on turning the veg patch into a chicken run over the winter and installing some chooks in the spring! Mr Clueless is currently being smiled sweetly at in the hope I can get some Indian Runner ducks in there too! My premise being that they are better layers and the eggs are even more nutritious than hens eggs.
So, over ducks or not, over the winter we will be the clueless DIY-ers instead as we attempt to build a 5m square run and a chicken house (may just buy one, currently spending most evenings designing and pricing up houses!)
Fear not though, a small amount of growing will continue in the greenhouse. The greenhouse I seem to do okay with; it currently looks like day of the triffids in there! The tomato plants are shoulder height, the squash (which I hadn't realised was a trailing plant) has had to be strung up as there is nowhere for it to trail to and the courgette has eclipsed everything on that side of the greenhouse (meaning the cucumbers are not doing anything!). There are some savoy cabbages and brocolli to go out on the patch but I'm holding back as I am fed up of feeding slugs.
That is I think what I've found so dishearting; the fact that anything I plant directly in the ground doesn't come up and anything I grow in the greenhouse then plant out feeds the wildlife and not us and this is a major reason for throwing in the towel. The slugs and snails aren't likely to steal the eggs, moreover ducks generally love slugs; revenge will be sweet!
So, I will still be blogging, but I am to undergo a makeover; the clueless DIYer...
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